Sorry about that. I had the ick on Wed. I've been working on a ton of bee blocks (Sew Bee Blissful, 3x6, Nubee's Feb hive and the 4x5). I still have 2 blocks for my year long bees (New Bee and Neutral and Not).

I caught up on my Sew. Happy. Quilt. QAL:

I also made my pouch for my Mouth Stitches partner. I have to sew the lining closed. I'm pondering some hand embroidery...but I'm not so great at it.
a peak:

I also caught up/got ahead on the Sparkle QAL:

I have the four blocks joined....I still have to sash it.
Who knows what I'm going to get to this week?! The play is a week from tomorrow.
I'm going to try to post some of the ridiculous things I've made for the play:
I rehabbed some old wings (more like Elvis jumpsuit wings) for the peacocks.
I made Scooby Doo ears.
I knitted 3 cyclops hats.
Today I assembled picket signs for the One Eyed % occupying Olympus.
I have at least one more prop I need to fix/construct. A compass (it was supposed to look like the one from The Pirates of the Caribbean...but as time runs down, I'm not as concerned.)
I also have to work on the program back. I think I've narrowed it down to 2 kid choices for the front cover.
Wooooo! I've been really productive. I kind of can't wait til the play is done. I'm thinking of joining Pinterest...for wedding ideas. Ooo. I still have to post pics of the ring. That will be coming this week.