Items now completed (although I'm missing pictorial evidence, apparently):
Bess Top. (It's still too hot here to wear it. I'm waiting for a cold front.)
Divided Basket. Seriously, how did I live with this thing before I had it?! All my sewing bits go in, and now I can actually find them!
Improv Malka quilt. Love it. It needs a baby to travel to. And a wash.

Pixie Churn Dash. I seriously love this one. I thought I had a baby it was going to go to, but she had a little girl and I have a quilt that's more in line with her mom's personality already done, so this one is looking for a home, too. (Totally fine, I have a ton of babies coming to friends and this will lower my stress level.) It, too, needs a wash.
Meridian #1. I have to wait a bit to post pics of this one. This is the one that my machine ate the sleeve on. I've fray checked it and plan to wear it as is, just grey side out. Rachael at imaginegnats just launched her kid version of it.
Wellspring Quilt. It's quilted! Just needs to be washed to be ready for the hand off at the Nov Guild meeting.
Sisters 10. I. Love. This. Quilt. I don't know why I keep saying I don't love pink and it keeps showing up. This one is very 80s. Maybe that's why I'm so feeling the love. The quilt was designed by AnneMarie over at GenXQuilters. She's pretty cool, and, I think, planning another QAL for 2014. I'm pretty sure I'm in.

Progress Made:
The Wonky Star quilt is now a quilt top. I have purchased some solids for backing and binding. Plans are in the works to baste it and do a bit of hand quilting.

The Hexy MF now has all its papers and threads removed. I still have to do one more layer of applique, but it involves some drawing, so I haven't gotten there yet.
I'm a bit behind in the Penny Sampler. I haven't started the paper piecing bits yet.

Next on Tap:
Other than basting, binding, and quilting the Wonky Star and the two postage stamp quilts, I have to design the space quilt and get going on that one. I'm waiting for a few more blocks for the Heal quilt, but I hope to have that one done by Halloween. I'm planning a sewing marathon day in Nov to make pouches and maybe the sidekick.
I've also got fabric for the train case redo and need to make my octopus pillow case.