Plus I had to run errands. I went to the post office to mail off my Nov New Bee Block.
I to find a copy of Tartuffe for an audition. (Which will be followed by updating my resume and head shots today.)
I was hoping to mail off my charm swap packages...but I'm still waiting on one package.
Tomorrow I mail off my cut up Spoonflower charms. Which I have to cut up tonight.
I may try to do my hero block as well.
Right now I'm just trying to chill...and to figure out how to fit all my crap in my roller suitcase for the conference this week. See...crazy food allergies means I pack lots of snack.
Detergent allergies mean I pack a sleep sack, a travel pillow, and a towel.
Really travel for me has now become an endeavor. Which kind of sucketh since I LOVE to travel.
I'm feeling like making fragments into sentences today.
Either that or I've read too many kid journals today.
Oooo...Stuff came in the mail today.
I got a Nubee block. I decided to take pics of all the ones I've gotten so far:

A package from The Intrepid Thread. (holy speediness...I ordered it on Friday)

A win!

I entered a drawing from Hopeful Threads.
She was giving away A Valori Wells Little Wallet Sewing Kit from Sarah at Fabric Seeds.
Not only did that come, but she included in the giveaway a half a pound each of Bizzee Bee Gourmet Caramels in original and Pumpkin Spice. The Pirate will get to share in my booty!
Also, in my shopping spree for the trip, I discovered Target has TIM TAMS.
I may be exhausted, but it's been a pretty good day.