It was my first time visiting the city.
It definitely won't be my last.
The Halloween dog parade
Walking and walking and walking
Ice cream at Leopold's

Fountains and cemetery statues

Finding a burger joint (that has a branch in Atlanta) that doesn't give me hives. (THIS IS GLORIOUS...and cannot fully be appreciated if one has not been rendered incredibly itchy by trying to eat fries cooked in the same fryer as one's nemesis...onion rings.)
A fireplace and a king sized bed with my own balcony!
I have lots and lots of pictures still living in the camera.
(And 2 new fat quarters for my stash from french-knot.)
Tomorrow...I have much catching up to do.
My hoop for the Misfit swap is almost done...I have to attach a back and prep it for mailing. So, it may go out a day late. I HATE THAT. I'm so anal retentive with deadlines, but this one I just couldn't make...and I spent most of tonight (once i got back) trying to put finishing touches on the front.
Coming soon....I'll be on PingsandNeedles tomorrow, I think. Voting opens on Wed.
I have to do my winter sewing list inspired by Sarah over at FairyFace Designs.