But I took out time to sew this weekend.
Gonna sew some more tomorrow. The plan is to bind Starlight #1. I have it hand quilted and the binding made. I have two other quilts basted. Mom's Quite Contrary and the Penny Patch quilt. I might even get to quilting on both a bit. I also plan on working on the clutches for my soon to be cousin in law.
Starlight #1, waiting for binding:

I have my red/purple done for the ALYOF, but I haven't gotten decent pics yet.
Which leads me to the crummy pics I took tonight.
I finished my installment on the Crazy and Twisted quilt that was mine to work on. I have one more coming my way. This one is done early! I'm going to mail it off Tues.

I finally got to work on my Gypsy wife. I'm 3 months behind in the QAL.
Here are May's blocks:

It's actually mostly red, purple, chartreuse, and some yellow. I could not get it to photograph decently.
I'm going to go knit a bit before crashing.
Linking up to Sewjo Saturday over at gogokim's.
and to the Gypsy Wife QAL, hosted this month over with Daisy at antstosugar!