And....I didn't.
I kind of ran out of time. I've even let my FAL list fall to the wayside. (*gasp*Shocking, I know!)
The I signed up for Rachel at Stitched in Color's Penny Sampler class, which I am totally digging:

I saw the Marcelle Medallion QAL (#mmqal on instagram) posted up at Penny Poppleton's blog.
I need another project like I need a hole in the head. I mean, school is back in session. I have stacks of papers to grade already. I'm going camping with 6th graders for 3 days in another state. I'm in the Penny Sampler. I'm trying to keep up with the Sisters Modern Ten BOM. (FINALLY caught up on that one.) I have a quilt to make for our guild. I have a bunch of other quilts in progress. So, um, I was TOTALLY going to just watch from the side lines....until...Lisa at ModernBalabusta (another incredibly awesome lady I got to meet in person at Sewing Summit last year) asked me if I wanted a copy of her paper piecing templates for the center. I'm not good at paperpiecing. Did that stop me? Nope. I said "sure!" and planned on putting them in a file with the pattern for the quilt.
And, um, that steely resolve lasted all of 12 hours?
So, yeah....I pulled fabric and started.

I have NO idea how/if I can keep up with the QAL. Frankly, the next year scares the bejeesus out of me. Even cutting that many triangles seems daunting.
So, apparently, I get sucked in easily. (This also explains why all the ice cream commercials leave me wanting some, right?)