I'm still going to aim big this quarter.
Mostly because this is helping me keep track of my UFOs...and it's helping me funnel a lot of stress energy and allergy craziness.
Projects (in no particular order):
1. Red, Grey, Black Quilt from bee blocks. This made it a little bit farther from last quarter. The blocks are pieced into a top. The back is sew together. But...it's still not basted or quilted...
New Progress photo:

2. First quilt using Skill Builder Blocks. The Top is pieced in rows but not complete. I have one block have to re-do. No fabric chosen from my stash for the back yet.

3. Vintage-y quilt 1(from pattern testing). It's basted but not anything else yet.

4. Vintage-y quilt 2. It's also basted but not anything else yet.

5. Sew. Happy. Quilt. It's basted. I'm planning on hand-quilting this one.

6. Postage Stamp quilt. I've started rows in my random time, but I don't know what I'm going to do with it in terms of layout. I have an idea....

7. The Lawn Chairs Quilt #1, aka jellyroll quilt 1. I started this a while ago from a Moda tutorial using Happy Zombie's Lawn Chair Quilt pattern.
It's been living in a bag unfinished.

8. The Lawn Chairs Quilt #2. see above...the pattern yields two quilts.
9. The boxy bag for Trollop. This was meant as a V Day present. I think it may end up being part of a bday package. I cut all the pieces back when I was working on my Mouthy Stitches item...I sewed 2 boxy bags and kind of burnt out.

10. Cosmic Burst QAL/Precious QAL. I cut up my hoarded Parisville for this QAL. Still hyperventilating a bit about it.

11. My random Farmer's Wife blocks. The reality is that I fizzled on this one. I think I started it when I was too new to quilting and it just threw me. I think I'd be ok with it now, but I also know that the project isn't drawing me back right now. I'm thinking of doing the Civil War ones over the summer in Japanese fabrics. I need to do something with these three. Table runner?

12. Prayer Flag quilt. I made myself a double of the one (different charm pack...something that was Lila Tueller) for my mom that is sitting in the closet until I figure out how to quilt a quilt that big. I am thinking this one isn't even my style now. So I may make it into some smaller quilts for charity or for baby quilts.

13. The Pirate's last shopping bag.
I ran out of interfacing when I was making birthday presents.

14. Stained Quilt. The top is done. The back is semi-pieced. I have NO earthly idea of how to quilt this one.

Other projects not in my UFO list but on my list for this quarter:
some items for the Zakka sew-along (i'm going to make ahead for Xmas presents)
Modern She Made swap
May Nubee blocks
new 4x5 blocks, Q2
3x6 blocks, Q2
June block for New Bee on the Block (I'm not sure we have a May)
June block for Neutral and Not (I'm the queen for May)
June block for Heal Circle
Assemble and quilt May blocks for Heal Circle (Possibly 2 quilts!)
Go Anywhere! Bag out of this:

The POOR Pirate's UbERlate apron:

Realistically, I know I won't get it all done. BUT...I do like having a list in one place.
Linking up!