Let's just say yesterday was a mixed bag.
The day started with a run to the Mini Maker's Faire at Georgia Tech. So. Full. Of. Awesome.
And free.
Then crepes with one of my BFFs, who I haven't gotten to see in weeks.
Then home to try to the photoshoot. It all seemed to go well. Until I got my Sisters 10 quilt back in the house...and noticed black on the binding. Apparently the metal bench I put the quilt on transferred paint? or dirt? on the melon colored binding. Three washes later, it was finally out. But there was much angst...and it put me WAY behind on my laundry list.
So, I tried sewing. I'm behind in the Penny Sampler. I did the 9 of the penny square blocks....and my machine, my back up to the back up, started skipping. I took both machines apart and cleaned then thoroughly. Got the Brother to work for all of 5 minutes before it started skipping again.
Took the paper off the Octopi blocks I had done, only to learn that the seams I had sewed with the Janome were off in tension. I tried to resew over them. Not sure how it will work since I couldn't easily pull the old seams out and just gave up after a while.
There were tears. Husband took me to get a blizzard, but the DQ was closed. Quick run to CVS for ice cream instead. Gotta a love a man who sees the healing power of chocolate and peanut butter.
So.....I'm trying to decide what machine to get. Kind of ASAP. Like, I almost impulsed bought at Target out of desperation. Right now, I just want a cheaper one to be able to carry about, to school and so forth.
So, pretty much all my sewing plans over the weekend went to hell in a handbasket.
Here's my photo documentation of work completed:
Bess Top

Divided Basket

Sisters 10

Wellspring Quilt

Wonky Star (still needs washing)

Pixie Churn Dash

Meridian (coming soon)
Improv Malka

Not sure what I'm going to do about stress relief this week if I can't get a functioning machine. Guess I could try to catch up on laundry. *sigh*