Sunday, August 21, 2011

Almost cried...

still waiting to see if I should.
I was working on my For the Love of Solids object, that is largely white, when my machine somehow kicked out a wad of grease...
which left a black yucky mark right smack in the middle of my item.
I have no idea from whence came the grease blob.
Somewhere from the machine.
If anyone knows where to look to make sure it's not still lingering, waiting to spit more on my sewing, please let me know.
I've never had a machine do that before.


stephmabry said...

oh no!! :( sending magical cleaning vibes your way, dear :(

Sarah said...

Oh what a bugger!
Ok advice take scrap fabric and throw it through your machine at top speed, If your confident enough take your machine apart and give it a really good clean out, then re oil it following your user guide and sew like mad on scraps again. That *Should* clean it through. Other than that take it to get looked at by a pro!
No one likes their sewing machine throwing up on their work so big stain removing hugs to you!

Sana Saroti said...

Soooooo sorry to hear that but unfortunately I have no advise :( What Isablle says makes sense though! P.S.: I would have cried!

Lynne said...

I would have cried too!