I've been plugging away.
First there was my spring break Staycation (which honestly involved a lot of napping and faffing around).
Then there was Stash Bash. I actually didn't finish much there due to bad planning on my part.
That said, here are my finishes so far:
Knitting bags:
Stash Bash Secret Swap:

Betsy bag:
Monster Pouches:
#nerdscraftitbetter swap:
1 Hour basket:
Heal Circle Knee high quilt:
Hazel quilt:
Plastic Bag Dispenser:
In progress:
Catvent (cotton and steel):
Starbright 2:
Hazel pillow:
Death Star mini:
pics a secret still
Done, but still needs pics:
Guild challenge swap
Age of Brass and Steam 1
Age of Brass and Steam 2
Halloween Donut quilt