If you follow me on IG, you've seen my August heal blocks and me catching up on back months (so far May and June down) on the Sisters 10 modern block of the month.
Sisters 10 blocks:


I haven't uploaded all my pics to flickr. I've also been working on my Dogwood Blossoms quilt for the Penny Sampler class. The top and back are done. My goal is to baste (and maybe quilt) them tomorrow. More pics coming on that one.
I finished my August ALYOF goal. It was kind of a disappointing project.
The one thing I will NEVER do again is use paper as the foundation. I hate ripping it up. Triggers all kinds of OCD finding little bits of paper around. Several seams popped. Blarg.

I tied the quilt. I don't know if it was the tying that did it, but when I washed the quilt, the batting (the generic poly/cotton stuff from Hancock's) just shredded. So, I have bald spots in the quilt and spots that have tons of stuffing. Meh. So, it's done. I have to fix a few seams. (You can see one that popped in the pic if you look.) Anyway, I am just not excited about it. Gonna throw it in a car so I can have a quilt for the dog to sit on when he rides in my car. I *am* excited about Sept's goal.
Linking up: