It had 33 items on it. I blogged about it here.
Surprisingly, I got more done on it than I thought I would. I apologize in advance for the crappy photos. Some were from my iphone and, since the finishes need to be posted individually, I've had to enlarge bad photos.
Here's my report:
1. Must Dash Quilt--Completed and gifted to faculty member for new son!
I finished it at the Stash Bash.

2. Star Block bag--Done!

3. Orbit Quilt--I got the top done before Stash Bash. Love this one. Sad I missed the QAL deadline.

4. HST Project Linus quilt--yea, not really sure why I haven't finished this one. Maybe because an older Project Linus quilt (which I think used some of the same fabrics) bled when I washed it. (Even with color catchers)
5. Bag #1 (khaki Irish chain)--

6. Bag #2 (batik)

7. Bag #3 (white Irish chain)

8. Bag #4 (grey/black)

9. Bag #5 (Red/black drunkard)

10. Bag #6 (B/W/Green)

11. Bag #7 (Malka)

12. Bag #8 (B/W pinwheel)

13. Bag #9 (B/W swirl)

14. Bag #10 (red/black block)

15. Bag #11 (Orange Hope Valley)

16. Bag #12 (blue/green)

17. Sewing Summit Mini--Yeah, didn't do it.
18. Tula Skirt--gained weight. Since I can't comfortably wear my other frog or the spider skirt in this pattern, I'll wait til I drop some weight to finish this one.
19. Halloween Spider Web--got all the blocks done (and back). It's got the binding on and part of the quilting done, but I decided to hand quilt it, so it will be done in July. Progress, though!
20. Red/Purple Quilt--on hold. Still waiting on blocks. Will hopefully finish this one in the next quarter.
21. Heal Orange March quilt--done and delivered by Nicke!

22. Hexy MF--I've got this on my summer plan. I really want it done. I can't start another EPP quilt until I finish this one.
23. Mom's Quilt--Still hanging in the closet. I have to look it over. I don't think it's mom worthy since I made it so early in my quilting career. I question how good my seams are.
24. Converging Corners--Not feeling it.
25. Bridesmaid Clutch #1--Done! and delivered. I even made her a second one for her bday.

26. Bridesmaid Clutch #2--Done! and delivered

27. Best Woman Clutch--Done!

28. Infinity Scarf--Done!

29. String Block quilt--Uh, the supply box is still sitting in my car from Stash Bash
30. Scrappy Trip Along--top done and the rest not.
31. Wonky Star Baby quilt--still in bags from not getting it done at the Stash Bash.
32. Secret 80s swap--Done!

33. Pouch for Stash Bash...which I apparently forgot to take pictures of. Elena over at Hot Pink Stitches got it. (I swear. I did it. I was just trying to organize stuff and forgot the pic.)
So, 22 out of 33. Not bad.