I've had to open a case file with the USPS to find out where the hell my package is. I have no idea what will happen to the moolah I shelled on fabric if they can't figure it out. Not super happy with the response given to me by the store. It was kind of an "it happens...maybe it will come tomorrow" message. I'm pretty sure the fault is the post office's, but still.
So much for spreading the love locally.
Anyway, bellydance was awesome tonight. Got to see 2 more old dancer friends!
I finished the next installment of the Medallion quilt. One more layer and then hand quilting!
I'm interested to see how the wonky as hell element plays out. There is a seam or 2 I will stitch wizard just to make sure it doesn't fray.
I finished the Tree quilt, but I apparently forgot to take pictures. I'll try it tomorrow.
I got 4 out of 5 Nubee blocks, a Neutral and Not bee block, and a Running with Scissors block done, as well as 2 mystery round robin installments. (No pics of the last ones because they're a secret.)
Edit: Tree quilt pics added
Dude! I can't believe you've finished all of the parts! Wow. I have not even attached my patchwork yet, Storm at Sea blocks aren't done, and my embroidery is also incomplete. Not to mention this week's work. You're on fire, friend! It looks lovely, too.
Sorry to hear about the shipping woes. :/ I hope that sorts itself out quickly.
I have to say, British mail is shocking, but American and Canadian is either great or completely disastrous - does no one in USPS own a map!? Hope it comes soon x
Wow that sucks! That is such a rubbish response to get. A package I ordered from the US also went MIA I still haven't gotten it and I ordered it way back in April. However the company I ordered it from where kind enough to send me another one. That came within a week!.
Loving the medallion quilt top! You're making it for me right? =D
Old belly dancer friends? Thank you so much, now I get to go to bed with visions of grannies belly dancing running through my head...
Anyway the top looks great, and you go kick arse at the post office!
Loving your medallion! Good luck harassing the post guys, the Aussie post system is shocking too...
Wow! The colors are amazing!
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