I currently have three quilts basted and ready for quilting....but I'm feeling idea-less, so they'll wait until I get back. The list is bigger than ever because I'm trying to front load some Christmassy/holiday gifties. But, let's be honest. My lists are ALWAYS crazy. I'm aiming to try to finish a quarter, ideally a third, of this list.
1. Violet Craft's Lion quilt

2. Crossroads quilt

3. Round robin Improv

4. Epic Sampler

5. John Adams quilt

6. Summer Sampler

7. Skirt

8. Hospice 1

9. Hospice 2

10. Small World

11. Doctor Who Sampler

12. Maker's Tote

13. Pool Tote 1

14. Pool Tote 2

15. Steampunk quilt

16. Side Kick

17. Trail tote 1

18. Trail Tote 2

19. Serenity triangle quilt

20. Machine cover 1 (Patchwork from Scrap class)

21. Pixel Pillow (Patchwork from Scrap class)

22. Rail fence quilt (Patchwork from Scrap class)

23. Framed quilt

24. Scrap bags (Patchwork from Scrap class)

25. Knitting bags, batch 1

26. Knitting bags, batch 2

27. Project 48 quilt

28. Hamilton Logo mini. (One of my students submitted a design to me as part of a math contest. I need to do this before school starts up again.)
29. Starlight, Star Dark quilt (I think I'm modding this one to fit my stash.)

30. Summer Solstice QAL

31. Aviatrix quilt

32. Forest Fancy quilt

33. Sushi Washi

34. Green batik dress

35. Avengers top

36. Octopus top

37. Cross Quilt improv

38. Patchwork City quilt

39. Sprout mini quilt (Patchwork from Scrap class)

40. Machine Cover 2 (Patchwork from Scrap class)

41. churn dash for hospice

42. Modern Medallion quilt (for Pulse)

43. coaster set (Patchwork from Scrap class)

44. Punk Love

45. cat head for dad

46. fairy/butterfly for MIL

47. Bubble quilt for mom

48. cat quilt for Sharon

49. Ninja top

50. triangle skirt

51. Purple improv

52. HST play

53.Tangential quilt (at the longarmer!)

54. Triforce throw

55. Single Girl quilt

56. Meadow quilt

57. Meadow mini quilt

58. Project Linus quilt

59. Cactus tunic

60. Galaxy dress

61. Tattoo dress

62. Leila top

63. Art student tote

64. purple flower dress

65. magenta dress

66. zebra washi

67. Arrow skirt

68. Itty Bitty Broken star quilt

69. Tear Drop quilt

70. Dr who shoes (need to resew one and elastic both)

71. Hospice 3

72. Ikea look alike bag

73. Ikea look alike bag 2

74. Ikea look alike bag 3

75. Ikea look alike bag 4

1. Fight the Fairies Shawl

2. manticore socks

3. Peacock mittens

4. Scrap blanket

5. slip stitch socks

6. Exploration station shawl

7. Rose City Rollers

9. Katniss Socks

10. Raven Swirl socks

11. Fraggle Squiggle socks

12. Dishcloths

13. Sessile socks

14. Rose City Rollers 2