I have to say, I didn't really enjoy this one. I don't think my machine likes the YLI variegated I used to quilt it. I quilted the lines close-ish together and it took FOREVER. Y'all, I don't know how folks do the matchstick quilting. I'd cry.
Anywho, it was nice today and my hubs helped me take a daytime pic!

A close up:

I think this one may be destined for charity. It started out for me, but I can't keep a quilt at this point unless it's an uber fave. This one really wasn't after all that quilting angst.
Today, I got the binding on my Starlight #1. It's close to done. I just want to add a little more perle quilting. I got sucked into my Brickless shawl #2. I'm on the 5 out of 6 repeats. It gets slower toward the end. (More stitches.)
I'm trying to finish up a bit of stuff because I have three charity quilts coming up. Two for Wellspring (one of which will also involve pattern testing) and one for Heal circle!
Hey, look! I'm blogging again! Linking up!