(Of course, I still have to find one....if anyone has a recommendation, I'm all ears.)
Here's what did get done this month...my Halloween Spider Web, aka my July goal for the Lovely Year of Finishes goal, posted here.
I finished it mid-July, but I've been apparently feeling blog apathy.
Anyway, I love it.

Here's a bit of the back:

I hand quilted it, using perle. I had a bit of an issue with bearding, but it seems to be minimized once it was washed. Any tips on that anyone?
I have been on a scrap using bender. I got tired of boxes of bits.
I used up almost all my Malka bits in the green and blue colorway.


I'm going to keep doing fronts and backs as I have lots of friends having babies.
I signed up for the Penny Sampler camp (my pre-bday present to myself) that Rachel at Stitched in Color is teaching. I love her online class.
I think I'm going for a scrap back. So I'm clearing out more scraps for that:

I still have to work on my postage stamp (bin cleared) quilt. I'm 2/3 done with that.
Of course, I've barely touched any of the projects I have on my FAL list. I'm working on a back and binding for the scrappy trip. I *did* make pillow cases, but the octopi both face the same direction, which means that my pillow is upside down. I may need, in my OCD nature, to make another one. I don't know that I can bear upside octopi. It makes me sad. I have pics of those up on instagram, but I haven't uploaded them to flickr yet.
I will post this week.
I took the Aeroplane bag class (designed by Sarah from SewSweetness), taught by Allegory (AThousandNeedles) over at Fabricate in Atlanta.
I made an Echino version:

and a QAYG version using scraps from the Halloween spiderweb:

My zipper install wasn't perfect on either. I have spatial issues with it. I think I need to find more pics of that process for me to follow.
Also, we finally installed the FLOR tiles we bought pre honeymoon. I'm still getting used to it, but I love the idea of more pet friendly carpeting. (Please excuse the obnoxious leopard sheet...my dog has a licking prob and the couch underneath needed protecting.)

Cross your fingers for me that my hand/wrist will stop hurting. I need to offload the carload of school supplies to my classroom, and that will mean a LOT of carrying.