(I've stalled out on my Hexy MF.)
I need practice. So I was really excited when Laura and Katy posted up the

It's from some graffiti in Barcelona. I'm kind of addicted to taking pics of graffiti when I travel.
Then I went fabric hunting. I decided to leave out the green, as I couldn't really find the right color in my stash.
I picked some tree fabric from my trip to Savannah, the last of my yellow Parisville, and some Toomuchery. I found a brown background I actually liked.
I went with a Spring Carnival pattern, as I'd wanted to try that one for a while and had gotten the templates at Sewing Summit from another Katy (imagingermonkey Katy).
I finally finished the quilting and binding today.
I think I love it.



I'll try to add in a daylight pic, but it's late and I wanted to get my pics up.
I've got a few more finishes coming this weekend.
(The Mod Pop is done, as is my Aunt's quilt...and hopefully so will at least one other quilt this weekend.)
Thanks for putting up a challenge that let me practice my EPP!