Sunday, January 12, 2020

FinishAlong 2020 news

2020 Finish-A-Long

Hello and welcome to the 2020 Finish-A-Long!
I've added a new tab 2020 FAL on the blog with the following information but wanted to also make a post to point out the changes.  The biggest one of course is that you won't be linking up as you've done in the past - the format has been simplified and participation will be Instagram based instead.  I hope that you'll continue (or start) to join in the FAL fun.  


Rhonda - Founder & Administrator - IG @rhonda.j.laws

Cami - Administrator - IG @camislero


Marci of Marci Girl Designs - IG @marci_girl

Ella of Throw A Wench in the Works - IG @ellathrowawench

Karen of Capitola Quilter - IG @capitolaquilter (that's me)

Sarah of Sarah Goer Quilts - IG @sarahgoerquilts

Sharla of Thistle Thicket Studio - IG @thistlethicketstudio

Lynne of Tinking Along - IG @tinkingalong


Instagram - @finishalong
Facebook - Finish-A-Long
Twitter - @FinishALong1
Email -


From Rhonda the founder and creator of the FAL:
The Finish-A-Long started back in 2012 as a way for me to keep track of all the stuff I wasn’t getting done. I was just starting my blog (my podcast was on the horizon) and wanted to “play” with my other blogging friends. A few of my blogging friends, as well as myself, knew online shop owners who were just getting started and were willing to be sponsors. 

Eight years later, it is this wonderful network of people who all work toward the same goal - to finish a project started prior to the beginning of the current quarter. And the bonus….when you finish a project and follow some simple rules, you are entered in a drawing.


Quarter 1
Q1 Lists by Sunday, 1/19/20                  #2020FALQ1List
Q1 Finishes by Wednesday, 4/8/20     #2020FALQ1Finish

Quarter 2
Q2 Lists by Sunday, 4/19/20                  #2020FALQ2List
Q2 Finishes by Wednesday, 7/8/20     #2020FALQ2Finish

Quarter 3
Q3 Lists by Sunday, 7/19/20                  #2020FALQ3List
Q3 Finishes by Wednesday, 10/7/20   #2020FALQ3Finish

Quarter 4
Q4 Lists by Sunday, 10/18/20                #2020FALQ4List
Q4 Finishes by Friday, 1/8/21                #2020FALQ4Finish


It's the start of a new decade and with this fresh start it was decided that the Finish-A-Long could use a fresh start too!  This year will be a little different to play along but still super easy.  Participants post their lists and finishes (just like last year) but it will be exclusively on Instagram.  Participants must use the hashtags listed above when posting either their one list by the deadline of the quarter or their multiple finishes anytime before the end of the quarter. They need to post finishes individually (just like last year) using the correct Finish Hashtag. 

The main difference from previous years is that there will be no linking up on the hosts blogs but rather everything will be entered via Instagram and the use of the hashtags.  If you don't use the hashtags, you aren't officially playing along.

A participant who wants to play along anytime during this year needs to post on Instagram one list of wips (one post with multiple photos or a collage) with the hashtag #2020FALQ1List before January 19, 2020.  You can skip the first quarter and play along for quarter 2 if you so desire, just post your Q2 list anytime between April 8, 2020 - April 19, 2020.

During the quarter anytime a participant finishes a project (whether it is 1 week into the quarter or two months into the quarter) they would then post a finished photo of the project on Instagram with the hashtag #2020FALQ1Finish.  They would continue to do this every time they finish a project during the quarter.


  1. The finishes and lists must be posted in the current quarter and by the current quarter deadline with the correct hashtag.
  2. All qualifying finishes will be put into a prize draw, and the names/numbers drawn at random for each of the prizes donated by our sponsors for that quarter. An entry will count as per post with the correct hashtag; therefore, check your hashtag and create a new post for each finish. 
  3. In order for your projects to be eligible, they must at least be a tangible project at the start of the quarter.  That means, at the very least, a fabric pull matched to a pattern, a quilt top needing to be quilted, or a half knit jumper. I love seeing your bee blocks, but they won't count unless you happen to be turning them all into a fully completed quilt!
  4. A finish is defined as a completely finished project, eg a quilt, quilted and bound, a bag that's fully lined and functional, or a jumper that one could wear out in public. I'm happy for you if you get a quilt top completed in one quarter, but hold onto it for the next quarter and see if you can get it quilted and bound before entering, please.
  5. You won't be punished if you don't finish your entire list, so feel free to make a big list and roll projects over from one quarter to the next if you need to. However, you must re-post that list. 
  6. Each quarter you will have ONE List post using ONE List hashtag and MULTIPLE Finishes posts using the SAME hashtag. The correct hashtag will always be in the profile @finishalong.
  7. The FAL is open to anyone, anywhere in the world.


Coming Soon!

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Q4 FAL Fail

so...whelp.  This last quarter has been kind of a disaster...

Work has been...interesting...

So, I buried my head in the sand and was working my butt off (not literally unfortunately) and haven't sewn much these past 3 months.  I was, frankly, super depressed.

I did make some progress on a few projects.
I finished one...which wasn't on my original list. 
I finished a baby quilt for a faculty member's baby shower.

Only one of the three quilts I sent to be long-armed came back.  I've been unable to get a response about what the status of the other 2 are.  I'm hoping she didn't lose them. One was the "I am Enough" QAL quilt.  The other was a Tula quilt meant for hospice.  They'd been with her since the summer.
Yeah...that's prettying much how the last 3 months have been.

So this is my sole finish from my original list:

Sad.  I can't even get a good pic because I'm down to the wire and it's dark outside.
This was my Tula Sweet Tea quilt.  This is the only one of three that came to me from the long armer.  The other two are, perhaps, lost?
Going to contact the better business bureau if she doesn't give me a response.  I paid her.  Not naming her but I can't believe how she's handling her business.
Even more sad because her work is good....

Expect a better list of finishes next quarter!

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Finish-A-Long q4 Linkup!

We have reached the end of Quarter 4 of the 2019 Finish-A-Long!!  Of course, this means it is now time to link up those finishes from the list you linked up in October. We hope that you have been able to complete a lot of the UFOs from your list and have had an overall successful year.

The 2019 FAL is hosted by a great community of bloggers. This year our hosts are:

Each finish you link up will be in the draw for great prizes, so let's give a huge thank you to our fantastic sponsors:

Aurifil Logo
Winner's Choice of 1 Large 12 Spool Collection
Sew Sweetness Logo
$80 Gift Certificate

2019 Finish-A-Long Logo

Fat Quarter Shop Logo
$50 Gift Certificate
Sew Me a Song Logo
$25 Gift Certificate
Happy Quilting Logo
3 PDF Patterns

2 PDF Patterns

Blossom Hearts Quilts Logo
2 PDF Patterns
Make Modern Logo
1 Six Month Subscription
Bonjour Quils Logo
2 PDF Patterns

Hillstitches Logo
$30 Fabric Voucher

2019 Finish-A-Long Logo

The 2019 Quarter 4 link for your finishes is now open below on my blog and on each of the hosting blogs - you only need to link on one blog for your finish to appear on all host blogs.

Link-up "Rules":

Add one link for each finish.  If you want to link a round up post of all your finishes, use that link to enter one of your finishes and then link the rest of your finishes separately.  Please, only one link per finish, as your link is an entry into the randomly drawn prize draws. 

Please ensure that the photo (Instagram or Flickr) or blog post you link up contains a link or reference back to your original list so that we can verify your entry (make sure it is from the right quarter, too). On Instagram the best way to do that is to tag your photos with #2019FALQ4yourname (where yourname is unique to you), this makes it easier for us to match your finishes with your list, which also should have this tag.

Please become part of the FAL community.  Check out the links of others and leave a comment. We all need encouragement so let's applaud each other.  The 2019 FAL Facebook page is HERE and you can follow us on Instagram @finishalong.

Our hosts will also link up their finishes to share in the community but they are not eligible for any of the prizes.

The Q4 Finishes link will stay open from now thru 11 pm, EST, Thursday, January 9, 2020 - as we are global, you might want to check your time zone to determine your last possible time to link. You can also see how much time is left below the linked up images on the right.  It is best to link up your finishes early and if you have a last minute one, add that one later so you don't miss out.  The prizes will be awarded as soon as we can verify all the entries and do the drawings.  We will post the winners on each host's blog.

2019 Q4 Finishes Link Up:

Q4 Finishes Link-up

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Q2 and Q3 FAL WINNERS!!!!

 The time has come to officially announce the winners of Q2 and Q3 of the Finish-A-Long and award some wonderful prizes from our fantastic sponsors.  We had 398 finishes for the second quarter of 2019 and we had 400 finishes for the third quarter which is really brilliant, keep it up!

Without further ado, here are the winners picked by Random Number Generator for Q2 and Q3 of the 2019 Finish-A-Long:

The Q2 winner's choice of One Large 12 Spool Collection from Aurifil goes to Mary who blogs at Quilting is in my Blood.  She finished this beautiful "camping quilt" that they actually use while camping, and isn't this photograph stunning?

The Q3 winner's choice of One Large 12 Spool Collection from Aurifil goes to Amanda on IG @sew.bake.stitch and she finished this lovely Swoon quilt.


The Q2 $80 Gift Certificate from Sew Sweetness goes to Sara who blogs at Sew Little to Say.  She completed this lovely tote bag and it's her own design.

The Q3 $80 Gift Certificate from Sew Sweetness goes to Carina on IG @carinascrafts and she finished this bag that she cut out 10 years ago.  Way to go on getting it done!

The Q2 $50 Gift Certificate from Fat Quarter Shop goes to Karrin and she blogs at Karrin's Crazy World.  She finished these two quilts that will be donated to the Mercyful Quilts charity.  Not only is that lovely but so are these quilts.

The Q3 $50 Gift Certificate from Fat Quarter Shop goes to Kat who blogs at Craftaholic Kat and she finished this lovely quilt that was for her son's seventh birthday.


The Q2 $25 Gift Certificate from Sew Me A Song goes to Kathy who blogs at Kathy's Quilting Blog.  She completed this Crown of Thorns quilt which also will be donated to charity, Jack's Basket.

The Q3 $25 Gift Certificate from Sew Me A Song goes to Kris who blogs at Krissies Kollections and she finished this scrap quilt made from charms she collected throughout the years.  She estimates this 91" x 91" quilt used 19 yards of fabric!


The Q2 3 PDF Patterns from Happy Quilting goes to Carol who blogs at Quilt Schmilt.  She finished this lovely pink quilt that was for a golf club fundraiser.

The Q3 3 PDF Patterns from Happy Quilting goes to Vasudha who blogs at Storied Quilts and she finished this beautiful art quilt inspired by Indian folk art motifs.


The Q2 2 PDF Patterns from Charm About You goes to Karen on IG @thecreativeheifer.  She finished this fun and colorful baby quilt.  Isn't it adorable?

The Q3 2 PDF Patterns from Charm About You goes to Jan on IG @snell.jan and she finished this blue scrappy queen sized quilt.  Another great photo, don't you think?


The Q2 2 PDF Patterns from Blossom Heart Quilts go to Jennifer on IG @crimsonconfection and she finished and framed this lovely little lucky cross-stitch.  Lucky indeed!

The Q3 2 PDF Patterns from Blossom Heart Quilts go to Alison via Flickr and she finished this appliqued cot quilt.


The Q2 6 Month Subscription to Make Modern Magazine goes to Jessica on IG @jessshullquilts_and_more.  She finished this fabulous Swoon quilt using Tula Pink fabrics.

The Q3 6 Month Subscription to Make Modern Magazine goes to Peggy who blogs at Quilts & Adventures and she finished these wooly mug rugs.


The Q2 2 PDF Patterns from Bonjour Quilts go to Mariana on IG @denana1973.  She completed this wonderful Flora Supply Case for a friend.  Lucky friend!

The Q3 2 PDF Patterns from Bonjour Quilts go to Teresa on IG @misdosbichillos and she finished this one hour scrappy basket, isn't it a cute gift?


The Q2 $30 Fabric Voucher from Hillstitches goes to Anne who blogs at Said With Love.  She finished this charming quilted table topper, and isn't the photo just lovely too?

The Q3 $30 Fabric Voucher from Hillstitches goes to Karin who blogs at The Quilt Yarn and she finished this funky bird quilt.  Isn't it is cute?


There you have it folks, quarter two and three of the year are officially wrapped up!  Congratulations to all of our winners and a big thanks to everyone that played along so far this year.

The year is quickly wrapping up, work on those WIPS so you can link them up in the New Year! 

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Quarter 4 Finish-A-Long List

Quarter 3 was kind of meh.  I finished a lot of tops and came to the conclusion that I don't really love the quilting part....but...the problem is that I can't afford to long arm them all.  Especially since many of them head to hospice.  Then sent three off expecting to get them back before the end of last quarter and haven't gotten them back yet.  Definitely in this quarter....or I'll be an angry mama bear.

I really need to update some of these pictures.  Some of these are much farther along.
I need to piece a ton of backs this quarter.  I have a lot fo tops complete but haven't bothered making backs.  I need to just spend one weekend knocking those out.

Sewing Goals

1.  Rosalie Dace's class Kuba-inspired quilt

Kuba inspired

2.  Tula Nova All-Star quilt (one medallion left to attach, then basting onto to background, quilting, etc.)
Nova All Stars

3.  Tula Nova Frida/sugar skull quilt
Frida Nova

4.  Tara Faughnan purple triangle quilt (the top is actually done)
Purple Triangle quilt

5.  Tara Faughnan turquoise triangle quilt

6.  Sarah Bond's pickle dish quilt
Pickle Dish

7.  Landscape quilt (this is a mini from 2 Sisters ago)

8.  Curve quilt from class with Jen Carlton-Bailey, quilt 1--the top is actually done
Jen Carlton-Bailey class

9.  Curve quilt from class with Jen Carlton Bailey, quilt 2--this top is also done
Jen Carlton-Bailey class

10.  Red, black, white, and coral improv quilt
Red, black, coral improv

11.  Tula Christmas quilt (July)--this top is done
Tula Christmas

12.  Tula cross quilt (August)--this top is done

13.  Tula September Dos Cuadrados quilt--this top is done

14.  Evie Twist quilt  (this one was the class example, NOT MINE)--my top is done now
Evie Twister (class example, not mine)

15.   Green Tea and Sweet Beans  (need to do applique borders)
green tea and sweet beans

16.  Dear Jen quilt

17.  Hidden Agenda quilt

18.  Tula October quilt--it's hearts and mostly done now.  I'm going to make it into a pillow

19. AMQG BOM (designed by me!!!!), version 1, top is now basted
AMQG- version 1

20.  AMQG BOM (designed by me!!!!), version 2, top is now basted

21.  Small World.  I REALLY want to finish this one this year---um...if I can find what I started....
Small World

22.  Cross Quilt improv.  top is now finished
cross quilt start

23.   You are Enough quilt.  Top is now done.  It's one of the ones in limbo at the long-armer.

24.  Tula November quilt--it's an economy block quilt

25.  Hesperides pillow  (started at Sisters 3 years ago)
IMG_0294 (1)

26.  Joe Cunningham improv quilt, basted
Cunningham class

27.  Tulapalooza March quilt (jellyfish)....quilting still needs to be finished
Jellyfish quilt

28.  Tulapalooza April quilt (Sweet Tea)'s in limbo at the long armer.
Sweet Tea

29.  Tulapalooza June quilt Cobblestones..ditto

30.  badass quilt

31.  Golden Days, Mostly done save one border.
Golden Days

32.  Do. Good. Stitches Jewel Box quilt--top is done now.

33.  Violet Craft's Lion quilt (SLOWLY hand GLACIER paced)
Violet Craft lion

34.  Garden Gate (partially quilted)  I hate the first part I did and am trying to decide if I really just wanted a mix of hand and machine quilting rather than ripping out the first part of what I did.

35.  Round robin Improv.  The top has been done for  A LONG time.  I'm just not feeling like my quilting skills are up to doing this one justice.

36.  Milky Way Sampler, top is pin-basted.  Thinking of hand quilting it.
Milky Way quilt

37.  Tula sampler block quilt, top done
Tula sampler

38.  Lindon Top

39.  Funnel neck top

40.  Fussy Cut Sampler--top done

41.  Tula Sampler, V.2 Cotton and Steel
Tula block 1

42.  Sushi Washi
sushi washi

43.  Octopus top
octopus top

44.  Patchwork City quilt  (Honestly, it's still in a bin.  I've gotten frustrated with it every time I've pulled it out.)  Feeling meh about this one.  Might make the blocks into pouches instead.
Patchwork city

45. Lawn tunic
lawn tunic

46.  Frida Dress

47.  Galaxy dress/washi
galaxy dress

48.  Wrap sweater

49.  Itty Bitty Broken star quilt
broken lonestar

50.  Tear Drop quilt

51.  Dr who shoes (need to resew one and elastic both)
dr who shoes

52.  Love scrap quilt
Love scrap quiltLove block

53.  Tula The Hood quilt (This one was my #quilttheweightoff quilt project)..It, um, stalled, pending some much needed weight loss.  I think it's just going to be my scrap buster
house quilt

54.  Aviatrix

55.  Squircle quilt

56.  Athena the Octopus quilt
Athena octo

57.  Forest Fancy quilt
fancy forest

58.  Art student tote
Art tote

59.  Cotton Ball quilt  (designed at Sisters)...kind of a secret...hoping to release a pattern

60.  Project Linus quilt- top complete!
economy blocks

61.  Glitter quilt (using the scrap pile)

62.  Pool Tote 1 (I cut it out intending it to be a Christmas present and then fizzled)
pool tote 1

63.  Epic Halloween quilt
Halloween quilt

64.  fairy/butterfly for MIL (it's been sandwiched, waiting to do reverse applique)
jersey quilt

65.  Skater dress
skater dress

66.  Skillbuilder quilt (with FMQ practice)

67.  Rosalie Dace word quilt
Word quilt

68.  Cristy Fincher Almond Butter
Fincher class

69.  Baker's Dozen quilt

70.  Tula December quilt (village)


Realistically, nothing much is going to happen here.  I need to get my booty in gear and knock out some quilts.

1.  manticore socks
Manticore socks

2.  Scrap blanket
scrap blanket

Bucket List for 2019  (NOT INTENDED FOR THIS QUARTER'S FAL LIST, but the ADHD might kick in)

1.  Tula Tumbler quilt
Tula tumbler quilt

2.  Sujata Shah's Organized Chaos
Organized Chaos

3.  Sloth quilt
Sloth quilt

4.  Tula Future Garden quilt
Tula Future Flower garden

5.  Steampunk (I have one block cut)

6.  Tree quilt
tree quilt

7.  Fish quilt
fish quilt

8.  Unicorn Quilt
Unicorn quilt

9.  Desert Forest critters
Desert Critters