
Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Quarter Three Goals!

Quarter 2 turned out to be suckfest.  I lost my dog to renal failure.


The cat has been trying to be a bit more lovey but she's a weirdo.  I miss him, his floof and his velvety nose.

I'm trying to regroup for Quarter 3....particularly before school starts up again.
So, I just got back from Sisters, Oregon....and I started a bunch more projects.
Not surprisingly, my list just got longer....I've got a lot of oldies, but I'm shuffling things around to give myself some to notice more than others.
Also, I'm still short some pictures.  (Ahem, do as I say...don't shortchange your pictures if you want to win.)

Sewing Goals

1.  Rosalie Dace's class Kuba-inspired quilt

Kuba inspired

2.  Tula Nova All-Star quilt
Nova All Stars

3.  Tula Nova Frida/sugar skull quilt
Frida Nova

4.  Tara Faughnan purple triangle quilt
Purple Triangle quilt

5.  Tara Faughnan turquoise triangle quilt

6.  Sarah Bond's pickle dish quilt
Pickle Dish

7.  Landscape quilt

8.  Curve quilt from class with Jen Carlton-Bailey, quilt 1
Jen Carlton-Bailey class

9.  Curve quilt from class with Jen Carlton Bailey, quilt 2
Jen Carlton-Bailey class

10.  Red, black, white, and coral improv quilt
Red, black, coral improv

11.  Tula Christmas quilt (July)
Tula Christmas

12.  Tula cross quilt (August)

13.  Tula September Dos Cuadrados quilt

14.  Evie Twist quilt  (this one was the class example, NOT MINE)
Evie Twister (class example, not mine)

15.   Green Tea and Sweet Beans  (need to do applique borders)
green tea and sweet beans

16.  Lucky Spool Quilt...I still have decide on binding
Mighty Lucky

17.  Tote bags.  (My plan is to make these as the year progresses so I have a stack of go to presents handy.)

18.  Journal covers for book group

19. AMQG BOM (designed by me!!!!), version 1, top is now basted
AMQG- version 1

20.  AMQG BOM (designed by me!!!!), version 2, top is now basted

21.  Small World.  I REALLY want to finish this one this year.
Small World

22.  Cross Quilt improv.  top is now finished
cross quilt start

23.   You are Enough quilt.  Top is now done.

24.  new knitting pouches

25.  Hesperides pillow  (started at Sisters 2 years ago)
IMG_0294 (1)

26.  Joe Cunningham improv quilt, basted
Cunningham class

27.  Tulapalooza March quilt (jellyfish)....quilting still needs to be finished
Jellyfish quilt

28.  Tulapalooza April quilt (Sweet Tea)
Sweet Tea

29.  Tulapalooza June quilt Cobblestones

30.  badass quilt

31.  Golden Days, Mostly done save one border.
Golden Days

32.  Do. Good. Stitches Jewel Box quilt

33.  Violet Craft's Lion quilt (SLOWLY hand GLACIER paced)
Violet Craft lion

34.  Garden Gate (partially quilted)  I hate the first part I did and am trying to decide if I really just wanted a mix of hand and machine quilting rather than ripping out the first part of what I did.

35.  Round robin Improv.  The top has been done for  A LONG time.  I'm just not feeling like my quilting skills are up to doing this one justice.

36.  Milky Way Sampler, top is pin-basted.  Thinking of hand quilting it.
Milky Way quilt

37.  Tula sampler block quilt, top done
Tula sampler

38.  Lindon Top

39.  Funnel neck top

40.  Fussy Cut Sampler (3 blocks short)

41.  Tula Sampler, V.2 Cotton and Steel
Tula block 1

42.  Sushi Washi
sushi washi

43.  Octopus top
octopus top

44.  Patchwork City quilt  (Honestly, it's still in a bin.  I've gotten frustrated with it every time I've pulled it out.)  Feeling meh about this one.  Might make the blocks into pouches instead.
Patchwork city

45. Lawn tunic
lawn tunic

46.  Frida Dress

47.  Galaxy dress/washi
galaxy dress

48.  Wrap sweater

49.  Itty Bitty Broken star quilt
broken lonestar

50.  Tear Drop quilt

51.  Dr who shoes (need to resew one and elastic both)
dr who shoes

52.  Love scrap quilt
Love scrap quiltLove block

53.  Tula The Hood quilt (This one was my #quilttheweightoff quilt project)..It, um, stalled, pending some much needed weight loss.  I think it's just going to be my scrap buster
house quilt

54.  Aviatrix

55.  Squircle quilt

56.  Athena the Octopus quilt
Athena octo

57.  Forest Fancy quilt
fancy forest

58.  Art student tote
Art tote

59.  Cotton Ball quilt  (designed at Sisters)...kind of a secret...hoping to release a pattern

60.  Project Linus quilt
economy blocks

61.  Glitter quilt (using the scrap pile)

62.  Pool Tote 1 (I cut it out intending it to be a Christmas present and then fizzled)
pool tote 1

63.  Epic Halloween quilt
Halloween quilt

64.  fairy/butterfly for MIL (it's been sandwiched, waiting to do reverse applique)
jersey quilt

65.  Skater dress
skater dress

66.  Skillbuilder quilt (with FMQ practice)

67.  Rosalie Dace word quilt
Word quilt

68.  Cristy Fincher Almond Butter
Fincher class

69.  Baker's Dozen quilt

70.  Thread catchers


Realistically, nothing much is going to happen here.  I hate knitting when it's hot.

1.  manticore socks
Manticore socks

2.  Scrap blanket
scrap blanket

Bucket List for 2019  (NOT INTENDED FOR THIS QUARTER'S FAL LIST, but the ADHD might kick in)

1.  Tula Tumbler quilt
Tula tumbler quilt

2.  Sujata Shah's Organized Chaos
Organized Chaos

3.  Sloth quilt
Sloth quilt

4.  Tula Future Garden quilt
Tula Future Flower garden

5.  Steampunk (I have one block cut)

6.  Tree quilt
tree quilt

7.  Fish quilt
fish quilt

8.  Unicorn Quilt
Unicorn quilt

9.  Desert Forest critters
Desert Critters


  1. What a little sweetie. I am so sorry for your loss.

    Many lovely projects. Best wishes for a few finishes and a better Q3.

  2. So sorry for your loss. He looks like quite the sweety from his picture.

    Good luck with your 3rd quarter UFO goals. You've got so many wonderful projects in the works.
