
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

It's Wed!, WIP 09/07/11

I got some sewing today.

It was a mixed bag kind of day.

I have to say how much I love and appreciate The Pirate.
Warning for the squeamish....skip ahead to the ****
I thought I saw a cat hit/dead by the side of the road yesterday. I wasn't sure if it was a cat or a possum.
I passed it (it was across a 4 lane highway) on the way to school, and I wondered if it would still be there when I went home.
It was.
And I wanted to cry.
Because I wondered if it had tags and if it's owner knew it was dead.
So, The Pirate humored me...and we went with my phone (to call the potential owner), trash bags and gloves to retrieve the body. Well, I carried the phone and held the bags, but he did the actual retrieval. No tags.
So, no one to call. We removed the cat anyway.
And, I was at least glad I had tried. Because if it was my kitty, I would have wanted to know.
And The Pirate (who hates dead things) tried to help me.
Anyway, it was kind of gross, but I went home and could sew without worrying about the cat owner.

****Here's what I sewed today:
Monkey Quilt
Monkey!!! quilt
The rows are sewn, but still need to be sewn together.

I've cut pieces for a doll quilt and will be designing a book block for a bee tonight. Hopefully both will be sewn tomorrow.

I finished the second top for the Across the Sea QAL:
Girl version
Version for a girl

I still have to clean up the threadies and press it (and the boy version).
I'm not sure I'll be able to get the next step done in time as I have the school camping trip next week. *dread*
I'm just not an outdoorsy type of gal.
I'm clumsy.
I have wicked allergies.
Bugs like to eat me.
I won't be able to eat normally for 4 days bc of my food allergies and cafeteria food.
The last time I lived off of cereal for breakfast, rolls (whenever I could get them) and carrots and chickpeas or eggs at lunch and dinner.


  1. Well done to you and the pirate, that was a lovely thing to do for that poor kitty.

  2. You are awesome. We were, sadly but thankfully, on the receiving end of such an act 20 years ago when our first cat was struck by a car two blocks away from home. Her tag didn't have our number on it, but the lady, feeling like you, collected poor Katty and took her body to her own vet, who was able to trace us through her rabies number. What an angel she was to us, because we had to leave on a cross-country move two mornings later and my heart would have been broken and terrified because when we would have had to leave without her, I would have assumed she would come back home and think we'd abandoned her after all the love and sweetness she'd given us. So thank you for going the distance even though it came up blank!

  3. Oo, I hope camp turns out better than you anticipate!
