
Friday, September 23, 2011

Hi, my name is Ella, and I'm a chronic project starter....

Because I'm not overcommitted at all...*Cough*
I finished dad's quilt. I need to trim up some loose threads and take pics.
That's on tap for tomorrow.
I'm starting my hoopla tonight.
I won a charm pack of Lola's Posies on Tea Rose Home and decided to make a quilt using Made by Rae's tutorial for 100 quilts.
Apparently, I need to sew to clear my head.
I decided NOT to pin baste the Across the Sea QAL quilt today...
see it was stressful and I was discombobulated all day.

This morning, I saw dark spots on the kitchen ceiling. I prayed the Pirate had somehow sprayed sauce there.
Water marks. Soft spot. I'm stuck. It could be the roof (since it rained crazy yesterday) which would be the Association's responsibility...or it could be the plumbing on the floor above me, which would be my responsibility.
I can't find any wet spots in any of my plumbing...which I know doesn't completely rule out the plumbing issue.
But the spot doesn't seem to be getting larger.
Needless to say, I've been stressed all day, juggling phone calls.
Why does the universe always hit me with this stuff on a Fri?!

Also, any prayers/healthy wishes you want to send my dance partner's way would be much appreciated. It looks like lung cancer, but it appears to be confined to the spot on her lung, a quick growing tumor. She may or may not lose a lung...but her scan results at least look less bad than they could have. (I know, it feels weird viewing one tumor as a positive, but that's where we are at this point.) She gets booked for surgery soon. I've pulled fabrics to make my favorite disappearing 9 patch. I'm trying to get it done in the next two weeks. I love sewing, but I'd really much rather give friends quilts for presents on holidays rather than presents for healing. This will be my second quilt for a friend in treatment since the summer....

Tomorrow my main challenge is making my scrap bag challenge item....and at least grommetting some of the pieces.

And, I tomorrow of dad's quilt. I want to get it in the light.


  1. You need to take some time out and have a nive cup of tea or coffee and just chill...even if it is for ten will feel much better for it. Oh don't forget the biscuit too.

  2. Sweetie. . . I'm not the praying type but you are in my thoughts. Any positive you can see will totally help. I totally know about lung cancer in my family.
