I think I've either got the fringe of a virus or the smog is getting the better of me.
I had a whopping headache most of the day. I didn't get the edge to dial back until dinner time, when I slept a bit.
So....all I accomplished was sewing on labels to my FTLOS swap items and packing up the box.
I started piecing together an angel block that I intended to mail out Wed, but I realized I was using two different whites. Oops.
I've taken it apart and will reattempt tomorrow...in the daylight, when I can actually see the white variations better.*
Yup...you heard right. I didn't finish my grading. Blarg.
*this plan may be revisited since I'm teaching drama tomorrow afterschool AND I have a dance class tomorrow eve.
Hope you're feeling better soon! Teaching with a headache is the pits!