
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Sewing Summit Ho!

As in westward, not as in me being a ho, per se.
I got registered today! Kind of made up for the car.

My car went will live at the shop tomorrow.
It will cost more to fix than I wish I had to spend. But no AC in Atlanta is not ok.

I sewed today...didn't get as far as I'd hoped.
I've pieced the red, grey, black blocks from a couple of bees.
(I still have to put on the outer border and figure out the back.)
I have to finish piecing the random back for the Sew. Happy.
I have to baste the Stained Quilt.
I am pattern testing for bijou lovely.
I made two tops. One I made a slight error on. The other came out perfectly.
I've got both basted and ready to quilt.
I'm partly done with April blocks for the Heal circle.
I had to stop short of trimming HSTs because I'm tired and don't want to mess up.
But...since I have to stay home all day tomorrow, there will be much sewing!
My goal is to get as many projects ready to mail tomorrow as possible, and Thurs get as many projects basted as I have pins for. (bad bad grammar)
I have some pouches on tap for tomorrow!
Oh, and a Covert Robin guest post to do.
I got a lovely package and I'm not sure if I can post pics of it or not....hmmm.